Senior Citizens Activities
Parks & Public Property: Commissioner John J. Montillo, Jr., Director
Listed are some of the activities held for seniors. More specific details are distributed quarterly in the Parks Department Newsletter.
They will also be listed on the home page of this website.
- Evening Trips to Broadway plays - Price includes transportation to and from the venue by town bus. Cost varies with the price of the play ticket.
- Afternoon Outings for Senior Citizens for lunch and show. One held in the Spring and one in the Fall. Venue may be either at the Brownstone or Hanover Manor.
- FREE Senior Citizen Monthly Evening Meal on the last Wednesday of the month from January through October. The event is held at the Senior Center which is located on Cleveland Avenue. Doors open at 4:30 – dinner served at 5:00. Call the Parks Department to sign up.
- FREE Senior Citizen Morning BINGO – Held on the first and third Wednesday of each month (except for July and August) at the Senior Citizen Center on Cleveland Avenue starting at 10:00AM. Coffee, Tea and donuts will be served. Call the Parks Department if you need a ride (201) 804-2482.
- FREE Senior Citizen Afternoon Lunch and entertainment – Held in April at the Middle School on Page Avenue.
- FREE Senior Thanksgiving Dinner – held on the Monday before Thanksgiving in November at the Middle School on Page Avenue. Dinner and Entertainment. Transportation is available if needed.